“…a prudent man foresees danger and takes precautions;
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”
Proverbs 22:3 (NLT)
Management of the health, safety, and welfare of our staff is paramount. This extends to visitors, other personnel on site and to the general public.
Cimpina employs all reasonable precautions and preventative measures possible. Full PPE is provided to all staff and notices are clearly displayed to all personnel working close to our operations.
Our operatives are trained in safe systems of work, risk assessment, first aid, fire fighting, mobile elevated work platforms (MEWPs), Construction Health & Safety (CSR), use of powered access equipment (IPAF), asbestos, manual handling, mobile towers and forklift driving.
Full Insurances are maintained for all land based operations with additional Marine and Working at Height Policies endorsed.
Maintaining as clean and safe an operation as possible, particularly with site work can be quite challenging as the example case below explains:
Example case
Working in some of the confined spaces of a ship’s ballast tanks can be less than ideal. These difficult conditions present a whole range of issues:-
- How to provide adequate ventilation and extraction
- How to provide adequate lighting
- How to minimise the number of cables/pipes so as to prevent trips and falls
- How to run 3 phase power to these areas where for the welding machines to work properly and yet still maintain a 110Volt operational site
- How to plan the efficient extraction of men in case of an emergency
- How to minimise the amount of manual handling
- How to communicate effectively within the area and between areas
RAMS are created and issued for each site following a site survey and client discussion. These, along with the quality plan, are integral parts of the day to day operational system within Cimpina and form part of the product /service quality control and the management of health and safety in line with our legislative responsibilities.
Following certification to ISO9001, the company will be working towards ISO18001 certification. Third party verification of our H&S is undertaken by AIG Insurance and SM&M Consulting.