

“…for what does it profit a man to gain the
whole world and forfeit his soul?”

Matthew 8:36 (ESV)

Every organisation has a culture or set of values upon which they operate. At Cimpina, our business is an extension of who we are, accordingly we aim to operate based on Christian principles, this includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Balanced – in our approach to work and life ensuring all have sufficient time to rest
  • Commercially open & upfront – in agreeing payment terms with our clients
  • Compassionate & understanding – towards our employees, suppliers and customers
  • Continuously improving – and looking at more efficient methods of performing our day to day operations
  • Gentle, fair & firm – towards our employees, suppliers and customers
  • Integrity – has to pervade everything we do especially when it costs more to do so
  • Methodical and Systematic – in how we approach each job and situation
  • Patient – in progressing as a team
  • Pride – in using our skills to the best of our ability
  • Re-Investing – into our staff and equipment
  • Trust & Accountability – each person has a vital role to play and needs to step up to perform appropriately
