Marine Gangways & Accommodation Ladders (Metal & GRP)

Marine Gangways & Accommodation Ladders (Metal & GRP)2019-01-22T16:06:15+00:00

Cimpina is Lloyds Register certified to manufacture marine grade aluminium gangways and accommodation ladders.

User safety relating to Embarkation and Disembarkation is imperative. Using the latest synergic pulse welding machines our products are made to a consistent quality and in compliance with internationally recognised standards (ISO7061 & ISO5488). Full traceability of materials and weld maps are maintained with inspections during and post fabrication.

Our products are clearly marked with the maximum design angle of use and the maximum number of persons permitted onto the structure at any one time. All other mandatory guarding requirements are adhered to/can be accommodated depending on your specific local authority requirements.

Gangways and accommodation ladders are manufactured to order, the end user deciding on the type of tread, handrail, lifting, rotation and deck/land based attachment systems. The longer gangways are typically made in a sectional truss format (as opposed to beam). Our gangways are suitable for operation up to 30 degrees, whilst our accommodation ladders can be used up to 50 degrees.

Our designer can come to site and undertake the required survey in order to ascertain your ideal requirements and the parameters of operation. During this process we take into account tidal movements, ship laden and unladen positions, ship movement and elevation changes, operational loadings and finally method of lift.

Designs are independently verified by a third party structural engineer and an independent load test is performed before the product leaves the factory. Full NDT of the structure again is undertaken by an independent third party engineer.

Aluminium tends to be the material of choice due to strength/weight ratios and anti-corrosion proprieties. We are able to incorporate the use of GRP, Stainless Steel and Mild Steel into the overall design to provide enhanced features e.g.

  1. GRP treads combine well with an Aluminium accommodation ladder giving increased step visibility and slip resistance.
  2. Grade 316 Polished Modular Handrail Systems provide enhanced durability and elegance.

In compliance with SOLAS regulations, Cimpina is able to provide an annual maintenance service contract on all gangways and accommodation ladders. Additionally, every 5 years we can organise the required load testing. We understand gangways and ladders are subject to environmental extremes and experience a variety of impact and dead loadings – if repairs are required Cimpina can accordingly send a mobile crew to the site at short notice.

Past clients include port authorities, shipping agents, shipyards, cruise ships, wind turbine installers, passenger terminals, ferry operators, offshore platforms, barge and tanker operators.

Further Information

  • BSMA89:1980& ISO5488 – Accommodation ladders
  • BSMA78:1978 & ISO7061 – Aluminium shore gangways
  • ISO7364:2014 – Ships and marine technology. Deck machinery. Accommodation ladder winches[/toggle][toggle title=”Positioning Mechanism” open=”no”]
    • Manual, Pneumatic, Hydraulic
    • Self-Levelling
    • Swivelling/Revolving
    • Telescopic
  • Aluminium
  • GRP
  • Mild Steel
  • Stainless Steel
  • Closed Grating with Anti-slip surface
  • Open Grating /Perforated
  • Treadplate
  • Aluminium Quick Rail
  • Pivotal or Fixed
  • Polyethylene Rope
  • Pultruded GRP
  • Single or Double
  • Stainless Steel – Polished
  • Aluminium Rollers
  • Nylon Rollers
  • Nylon Wheels